Friday, April 4, 2008

Meet the Staff: Shelly

It's cold, it's over-cast, and it's time for a new Meet the Staff. Today we are introducing Shelly. Shelly not only works hard at being the Office Manager and Web Developer but she's what I like to consider the office Den Mother. She is always around when we need to talk or to give us words of encouragement. She's been here over 7 years and it would be strange around the office without her.

Carrie: What do you enjoy most about your job?
Shelly: I enjoy the variety of things to do and the fast pace. Watching the business take off and grow has been exciting as well.

Carrie: How would you describe your interior design taste?
Shelly: I love contemporary things-the sleek lines, simple details, and metals. One the other hand, I treasure my heirlooms from my family. My home is quite an eclectic mix of contemporary furnishings and treasures from my past.

When not working, how do you spend your time?
Shelly: My family and church are the most important things to me. I love to cook-but soccer practice and science fair projects seem to take precedence these days. I also give a lot of time to the children's ministry at our church.

Carrie: One random question: If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Shelly: Other than I can't wait to meet Jesus, I think I would love to have a conversation with Dr. James Dobson. His radio programs and parenting books have been very influential in my upbringing and in my parenting.

I think next week I'll introduce everyone to our in-house designer Stephanie.

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