Friday, May 2, 2008

Meet the Staff: Bruce

Last week we met Cady from the showroom. This week we're meeting Bruce. He works here at the office with myself and all the other girls you've met. He's our behind the scenes guy. If we have phone problems, computer problems, pretty much anything that could go wrong that we can't fix ourselves Bruce is the one who does.

Carrie: How long have you been working for Interior Mall?
Bruce: 4 years

Carrie: What do you enjoy most about your job?
Bruce: Solving lots of different problems and working with pleasant and friendly people.

Carrie: What is the most difficult task you've dealt with while working here?
Bruce: Connecting our office and store so everything worked seamlessly.

Carrie: How do you spend your time outside of work?
Bruce: I like to take photographs and do astronomy. I also like to do astrophotography.

Carrie: One random question: Who has had the most influence in your life and why?
Bruce: My father. He has taught me the value of laughter but also of responsibility. He has shown me how to be firm when needed but also loving and not stern. He has instilled in me the love of God, family, and those I meet each day on my adventure through life.

Next week "The New Girl"......Rachel!

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