Friday, February 3, 2012

A Day in the Life of an Interior Mall Employee - Rachel

Name: Rachel
Nickname: "Wall"
Years Employed at IM: Almost 4
Job Title: Product Developer

Describe a "Typical" Day for you:
E-mails, quotes, returns, tracking, answering phones, taking pictures, researching new products, blogging, facebooking, pinning... you know the usual.

Favorite moment with a customer:
Customer's name is Buddy. I'll never forget him. I had only been working here a year or so and every time he would call in the customer service girls would ask to get his name. He would always say, "It's her boyfriend. She loves me." Always cracked all of us up.

How does your office reflect you?
It's pink and zebra! It's part girly, part wild side (even though I don't have a wild bone in me) and all DIVA. I also have lots of pictures of my hubby and my doggy.

If you were stranded on a desert island with only 3 things from your desk what items would they be?
1. My sticky notes (you never know when you will need to make a list)
2. My lotion (you can't be stuck on an island with crusty skin)
3. Camera (if I come back alive it will make for a great scrapbook, if not, everyone will know exactly what happened)

Fill in the Blank
If you walk by my office you'll hear me talking (sometimes to others, usually to myself).
I'm known as the comic relief of the office.

Interior Mall Fabric/Products Used in Rachel's Office:
Premier Prints Fabric Tunisia Black

Wall Pops Heart of Hearts

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