Meanwhile, I have been consumed by drapery rods and hardware. And by consumed, I mean I had a dream I was being pulled by a traverse rod last night! Besides my drapery nightmares, we have some amazing new products going up on our website
One of my favorites now, is the EasyPull Traverse Rod System. These traverse systems come in over 25 colors in single rods and double rods. They are one of the only decorative traverse rods that is still heavy duty, holding 8 lbs. per foot. These systems come with the track (from 4-12 ft.), decorative wood fascia, brackets for mounting, and snap in rings and glides. These systems come standard with a 72in cord drop which uses a unique pump action spring mechanism that allows a pull and release action that operates draperies with ease. The great news is that you never have to restring these! A right or left draw is already built in.
These are just some of the great new products Carrie and I are putting up daily. Check back at for more awesome new products!