TwinLight roller shades feature alternating bands of solid and sheer fabric that can be rotated to achieve privacy or view through. It's a unique twist on a traditional roller shade. These shades create a modern look in your window. sells boxed vinyl blinds. The stock size blinds have a size marked on the box but the actual slats and headrail are 1/2 inch narrower. This allows for the blind to install properly and move within the window. This matters when you are installing inside the window frame. These blinds can also be custom cut if you can't find the size you need.
Always remember to measure your window and not the current blind. Order based on the exact measurement.
Spring means new fabric books at They come in by the box for days during the spring. We all love looking at the beautiful new fabrics. New online this week is the Color Theory Volumes I and II by Maxwell Fabrics. Color coordinated fabrics perfect for drapery and curtains, bedding, pillows and upholstery, these fabrics are priced starting at $30 to $50 per yard. Guaranteed first quality fabrics, these modern fabrics ship directly from Maxwell to your door at discount prices. If you want to see and feel the fabric first, we have swatches available.
Don't you love beautifully decorated Easter eggs? I do. Looking at all the ideas on the internet, we think to ourselves "I can do that". So we did. We followed the instructions from the Martha Stewart video for creating silk dyed eggs. We took some discontinued silk samples and some white fabric and followed the instructions. Looking at the eggs boiling in the pot and all the dye in the water (it was deep purple), I was afraid I was going to be writing a "what not to do" video. Luckily, our eggs turned out beautifully.