You've heard our sweet southern voices on the phones and you've read our blog posts for years but who are we really?? Over the next few weeks we will be showcasing each one of our fabulous employees in a series called "A Day in the Life of an Interior Mall Employee". Get to know us in our home away from home. See our offices, learn about our jobs and put a face to our name.
First up... Carrie.
Name: Carrie
Work Nickname: Krazy
Years Employed at IM: 6
Job Title: Product Development/Marketing
Describe a "Typical Day" for you at Interior Mall:
I check my email and answer any that need immediate attention, then I check my lists and piles of things that need to be done. I add any new products to the web, update old products and work on upcoming print ads.
How does your office reflect you?
I have pictures of my son, my friends, and my family all over my office. I also have sarcastic things up like, "I still miss my ex-husband but my aim is improving." :)
Fill in the blank
I'm known as the "Wild Child" of the office. Although I don't think I'm THAT wild.

Interior Mall Fabrics/Products used in Carrie's office:
Mulberry Silk 9014 Fuschia
Mulberry Silk 9046 Kiwi
Mulberry Silk 9040 Black
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